Isla Nga MaanyagManagement Program (IMMP)
Towards Becoming an Island Garden City
Isla nga Maanyag Management Program is an advocacy undertaking on the holistic approach towards attaining total development for the City whose success requires the participation of all stakeholders.
It is an advocacy for:
sectoral development convergence with the various sectors ably play their roles towards the direction that they decide to pursue
stakeholders participation by practicing the principles of the program
These stakeholders include the general public (local-based, visitors and guests) non-government institutions like the business and religious sector, academic institutions, people’s organizations, government agencies, both national and local and other sectoral organizations.
Main Activities Under the Program
Advocacy Activities
Management of Best Practices
Significance of the Program
> The development integrity of the City must be sustained and make it still livable in the future as it was yesterday and is today which is the biggest responsibility of ts current generation.
> It was “very maanyag” before, it is “maanyag” today, it must be again very “maanyag” tomorrow, otherwise we deprive the future generation the opportunity to experience themselves how a “maanyag” environment looks like.
> The development of the City is the responsibility of all and should not be taken as the sole obligation of the government.
> The development of the City would be realized in the immediate future if the government, the people and other stakeholders will work together towards its attainment.
> Promotion of the City in terms of its resources (human and physical) and how to manage them.
> The Program acts as the Framework that will guide the government, the
people and other stakeholders towards attaining total development for the
Island that is anchored on the Garden City concept.
> As such, the Program advocates (through advocacy activities) for stakeholders participation and convergence of the things that they do geared towards attaining the vision for the City and manifest the same by practicing the principles (through management of best practices) that are being espoused thereof,thereby promoting the City as a place worth living for its people and at the same time make it as a tourist destination with its highly developed resources, human and physical being considered as the bottom line of its development efforts..
Essence of Development
> the end results of our undertakings is human development
> the essence of human survival is founded on environmental development and management
> the foundation of our success is good governance
Program Goal
To develop the City into an “Isla Nga Maanyag”. “As such there must be set up a development model for the City putting in place various concepts that would make the Island truly a Garden City with its dignified people taking pleasure of a scenic landscape within an atmosphere of good governance.
Program Objectives
> To educate all the stakeholders about the perspective of the Program for them to be responsive and become active partners in the implementation process.
> To advocate for the development of concepts that focus on the three main components of the program, namely; human development, environment development and management and good governance;
> To advocate for the convergence of all sectoral efforts into one dynamic context of development that will lead the City towards attaining its objectives and goals which are the foundation of its Vision; and
> To manage various sectoral practices based on the spelled out
program principles
> To promote the City as a tourist destination with its highly developed resources, human and physical being considered as the bottom line of its development thereof.
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