Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to Remove sowar.vbs Virus

Here's a step-by-step guide to remove one of the most annoying virus ever - Long Live Sowar (sowar.vbs) Virus.

What sowar.vbs does. When first run VBS/Autorun-FM copies itself to:

Root\Cool USEP Scandal.vbs

and creates the following files:


Whenever a removable drive is inserted, the following files are copied over:

Autorun.inf Cool USEP Scandal.vbs

The following registry entry is created to run SysRes.vbs on startup:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run System Restore wscript.exe "Windows\SysRes.vbs"

VBS/Autorun-FM changes settings for Microsoft Internet Explorer by modifying values under:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page

How to Remove sowar.vbs (Long Live Sowar) Virus

1. Go to Start, Run and type: cmd press Ok.

2. At the command prompt, type in your primary drive location, usually C:

3. You may need to change the directory. If so type: cd \ hit Enter.

4. Type: attrib -s -h -r -a autorun.inf hit Enter.

5. Type: dir and hit Enter. This will allow you to see and confirm the Autorun files.

6. Type: del autorun.inf hit Enter. Repeat the above commands for each drive on your computer including your flash/usb drive.

7. Now search for and remove sowar.vbs, SysRes.vbs, Cool USEP Scandal.vbs

* At the command prompt, type in your primay drive location, usually C: hit Enter.
* Type: attrib sowar.vbs.* -s -h -r -a hit Enter.
* Type: dir /s sowar.vbs Hit Enter.

8. If the file is present, type: del sowar.vbs hit Enter.

* Repeat the above commands for each drive on your computer including your flash/usb drive.
* Then repeat these instructions to search for and delete SysRes.vbs, Cool USEP Scandal.vbs on each drive if present.

9. Exit the command prompt and reboot normally.

10. Disable autorun.


please don't forget that there are spaces in between


the file should be found now. also, turn off system restore.

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